Director: A person who "directs" group organizations or team.
I often find this position. Before I realized it is a work that I often feel illusion that I am a better position than the surroundings. Actually the whole group acts with instructions of myself. So not only arrogant people, even humble people and pessimistic people, the likelihood that any person will fall into such illusion is extremely high. However, there is a piano, a viola, a cello, a percussion, a trombone and a lot of players gathered, it was indispensable as everyone, there is a conductor as one of them. Certainly the conductor must be able to grasp all the performances and sounds. But the performance talent is far worse than the person who played the piano for decades. What I want to say is "to see each other firmly". Categorization from experiences (this tend to be common to people who often interact with people ;this person looks like him), the balance of the whole team collapses. What kind of sense does he have? why he play this sound? What kind of feeling will this play? It is only by perceiving the "richness" of each person, it will be possible to further prolong it, but for that, it is necessary for that person and its sense to be "like". People have various feelings, but when they arrive at the future "like" it becomes a very strong "impulse". Unfortunately, I am not a "platonic fans" type who looks at people from far away. Whether it is a celebrity, a great teacher, or an elderly person, I think "I want to know" without feeling scared. As a cheeky green youth, if you do not wanna talk to me, you can have it at all, well I am not interested in those who ran into "defense" that defends pride even for me. However, there is only a purpose to create something together. There are other directors and producers who can handle such a well. At that time I am an artist or a performer. Money is important, and I also carry out the work responsibly. However, they come later and I think that I can not do without "I like this" first. When the subject of that "liking" becomes "money", I think that another idea is born in me. Aside from being an elementary school student's choir competition and a performance presentation, I was always a conductor. Sometimes I ran as a candidate for myself, and sometimes I recommended it from everyone, because of I was able to play all musical instruments or I was just a wanksta, it may be only it, but anyway I feel that experience is living now.
ホタルイカ、通称:海蛍を見に富山に行きました。 朝まで粘りましたが見れませんでした。 そんな三寒四温の今日この頃。 Finally our purpose for catching firefly squids in Toyama was broken up.. (with any luck, you'll see quite beautiful blue lighted view in the beach) 有難いことに最近は様々な活動に携わらせていただく機会があり、その分様々な方とお会いすることがあります。 パクリネタでできたデザイン。 人を騙した先の収益。 手を抜いて作られた商品。 他の意見を無視して進められる企画。 それがまかり通る社会。 疑問を感じない消費者。 内容を調べず金を払う購買者。 調べるのは「オススメ」と「格安」。 無視されるのは「素材」と「本質」。 毎月数千円も支払ってるそのスマホ。 ラインとインスタを見る時間の浪費。 アラート鳴るたびに下を向く先のディスプレイ。 挙げ句の果てに電池切れして機械に逆ギレ。 糖質摂りすぎだろ。 カルシウム摂れ。 指先使う前に頭使え。 能力ないなら金使え。 そんな社会も僕の知らないところであるんだろうな、と思いました。 世の中見えない方が良いこともあるかもしれません。 見えてしまった以上やり場のない感情がたまります。 そんな時、アートを創ることが助けになります。 'sky peanut'
どこからでも芽生える可能性はある。 Hope your life has many sprouts. material: セメント、シリコン、落花生、鉄、銅、鉛 |
November 2023
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